Introduction to Smoking and Curing

Cookery School Loves Hill, Timsbury, Bath, United Kingdom

This half day Introduction to Smoking and Curing Course is aimed at introducing you to the surprisingly straightforward techniques of smoking and dry curing. You can then use these skills at home to transform fresh ingredients into something seriously special. Skills • Making a Dry Cure • Dry Curing • Hot Smoking • Cold Smoking • Hot smoked Fish • Bacon • Chroizo/Salami The course will focus on the technical skills behind home dry curing, using ingredients freshly prepared for…


Beginners Fly Fishing Course

Manningford Trout Fishery and Cookery School

Join us on this one day Beginners Fly Fishing Course. Fancy getting to grips with this fantastic outdoor sport? Involving an artificial ‘fly’ which is cast on a line, fly fishing often has a bit of a reputation as a tricky skill for beginners to acquire – which is why all of our courses take place under the expert guidance of our tutor Neil Keep, who has forty years’ experience fishing all over the UK and plenty of tips &…


Smoking and Curing Masterclass with Steve Lamb

Cookery School Loves Hill, Timsbury, Bath, United Kingdom

Taught by smoking and preserving expert Steven Lamb, this Smoking and Curing Masterclass will equip you with all the skills you need to create delicious cured and smoked meat and fish in your own kitchen. These traditional methods not only preserve fresh ingredients but take them to a whole new level of incredible flavour. Skills • Basic Butchery • Hot Smoking • Cold Smoking • Dry Curing • Brining • Hot & cold smoked fish • Bacon • Pancetta •…


Smoking and Curing Masterclass with Steve Lamb

Cookery School Loves Hill, Timsbury, Bath, United Kingdom

Taught by smoking and preserving expert Steven Lamb, this Smoking and Curing Masterclass will equip you with all the skills you need to create delicious cured and smoked meat and fish in your own kitchen. These traditional methods not only preserve fresh ingredients but take them to a whole new level of incredible flavour. Skills • Basic Butchery • Hot Smoking • Cold Smoking • Dry Curing • Brining • Hot & cold smoked fish • Bacon • Pancetta •…


Fish Cookery Course

Cookery School Loves Hill, Timsbury, Bath, United Kingdom

Fresh fish is a truly wonderful ingredient to work with in the kitchen, but can often be a little intimidating if you don’t cook it regularly, with quite a few pitfalls to avoid. This Fish Cookery Course is designed to give you the confidence you need to whip up fabulous fish dishes, covering everything from sustainable sourcing, to basic preparation skills, to delicious recipes. Skills • Fileting • Quick cooking • Scaling • Skinning • Smoking and curing The course…


Introduction to Sourdough

Cookery School Loves Hill, Timsbury, Bath, United Kingdom

Sourdough has become wildly popular over the last few years, and it’s not hard to see why - there’s nothing quite like a freshly-baked sourdough loaf! Although the use of the sourdough ‘starter’ might seem a bit intimidating, on this Introduction to Sourdough course we’ll demystify the process and cover everything you need to know. You’ll also take home a ready-made sourdough starter to use. Skills • Making and maintaining your sourdough starter • Country loaf • Danish rye bread…


Introduction to Foraging Course

Cookery School Loves Hill, Timsbury, Bath, United Kingdom

Explore the bounty of the countryside with this fascinating Introduction to Foraging Course. You’ll gather and prepare your own wild ingredients, gaining knowledge, skills and experience from expert forager and landscape ecologist, Adrian Boots. Skills • How to forage sustainably within the law and with good practice • How to safely collect prepare and cook common seasonal wild foods • How to identify common seasonal edible and non-edible plants and fungi, and the habitats in which to find them The…


Introduction to Foraging Course

Cookery School Loves Hill, Timsbury, Bath, United Kingdom

Explore the bounty of the countryside with this fascinating Introduction to Foraging Course. You’ll gather and prepare your own wild ingredients, gaining knowledge, skills and experience from expert forager and landscape ecologist, Adrian Boots. Skills • How to forage sustainably within the law and with good practice • How to safely collect prepare and cook common seasonal wild foods • How to identify common seasonal edible and non-edible plants and fungi, and the habitats in which to find them The…


Introduction to Game Shooting

Shellards Shoot Little Horse Croft Farm, Wellow, United Kingdom

Our Introduction to Game Shooting course aims to give you a full day in the field, experiencing everything game shooting has to offer. Incorporating both a clay pigeon shoot and a couple of game drives, it’s the ideal way for less experienced guns to learn more about the sport. Skills • Clay pigeon shooting • Driven game shooting • Etiquette, tipping and the countryside code We’ll meet at the award-winning Shellard’s Shoot just outside Bath for a few breakfast bites…


Lamb Butchery and Cookery Course

Cookery School Loves Hill, Timsbury, Bath, United Kingdom

Join us for this fantastic hands on Lamb Butchery and Cookery Course. Anyone who loves to cook will find that studying butchery is fantastic for helping you to make the most out of your ingredients, upgrade your knife skills, get a little more creative in the kitchen and feel more confident about sourcing and purchasing the best high-welfare meat. Skills • Butchery • Primal Cuts • Knife Skills • Seam Butchery • Trimming and sorting • Offal – the fifth…
