The Complete Game Experience at Vale House Kitchen
Our newest two-day course, the Complete Game Experience, celebrates everything we love about game here in the UK – it’ll guide you, under the tutelage of some of the best local experts, through the entire process, from shooting, to plucking and butchering, to cooking. Whether you’re looking to learn more about killing your own food, or not sure what to do with game in the kitchen, this unique experience is guaranteed to answer all your questions.
Day 1
On day one, you’ll take part in a 100-bird driven shoot with local company Shellard’s Shoot, including a full briefing, expert tutelage and a delicious lunch. In the evening, chef and author of the newest River Cottage handbook on game, Tim Maddams, will create a fabulous feast to show off the versatility of game in a selection of delicious dishes, all matched with the perfect glass of wine to wash them down. A night’s accommodation will then be provided at the excellent Carpenter’s Arms in Stanton Wick.
Day 2
Day two will be spent in our beautiful converted barn classroom here at Vale House, learning to butcher, clean and prepare game under Tim’s expert guidance. You’ll get stuck in to creating a variety of different recipes in both a traditional style and with a more modern, creative approach, and enjoy an exquisite three course lunch.
Not sure whether this is the course for you? Here’s why we think you should book yourself a place. At Vale House Kitchen, we’re passionate about the best, freshest British produce, and about getting the public back in touch with where food comes from. We think learning to kill and butcher your own animals not only gives you the opportunity to ensure high welfare standards and a good death, but helps you better appreciate what it is that you’re eating. And why game? Not only is it an abundant source of wild food here in the UK, but it’s really good for you too – wild game is lean, rich in iron and protein, and low in fat and cholesterol. Not to mention, of course, that it tastes absolutely delicious. Join us for this incredible experience and learn how to make the most of this Great British staple.