2 day Bread Masterclass
This course takes the home-baker on to more advanced products such as: Croissants and Pain au Chocolate, French and Italian breads using three stage fermentation, Challah bread, German/Scandinavian style soft-grain Rye bread (pumpernickel style), savoury filled bread and, of course Sourdough Bread.
Good bread cannot be rushed and so, on day one much of what we do will be making the doughs in order that they can ferment overnight. On day two you will be working with these doughs and this will involve weighing, shaping, cutting and, of course, baking them.
Lunch is included.
Make sure you’ve cleared a space in your freezer – you’ll be going home with a mountain of bread!
Who's Attending
6 people are attending 2 day Bread Masterclass