VHK Pam the Jam

Pam Corbin

Pam gained her wealth of expertise in preserving foods when she owned ā€˜Thursday Cottageā€™, a small artisan preserves company producing exceptionally good jams, marmalades and curds. She has written the best selling River Cottage handbooks ā€˜Preservesā€™ and ā€˜Cakesā€™;Ā  contributed to the River Cottage A-Z and her latest book ā€˜The Book of Preservesā€ was published in 2019.Ā  Nowadays, and although retired from her commercial business, Pam still continues to embrace the time honoured skills of preserving fresh food, and is always eagerĀ  to share her knowledge to ensure that the practical skills of home preserving will never be lost.

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